First Year Overview

As I wrap up my second semester in college, I wanted to take some time to acknowledge some important events throughout the year.

First semester:

  • Rushed a fraternity (ΦΔΘ)
  • Went to UPenn for PennApps (won $1,000)
  • Went to MIT for HackMIT
  • Moved houses

Second semester:

  • Took my first grad-level mathematics course
  • Hopped on a project team through the Quantum Open Source Foundation (QOSF) with qBraid. Worked on making QIR representations available through the qBraid-SDK
  • Went to Brown for Hack@Brown
  • Went to MIT for HMMT volunteering
  • Secured an internship with qBraid for the upcoming summer

Overall had a pretty fun year and am excited for the next 3 :)